
2024 Spring Planned Taking Course

2024 Spring Semester Planned Taking Course

Just a tentative agenda. OF COURSE WE CAN NOT DO THAT!


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24sp(24 Spring Courses)
fin(Finance Course)
cs(Computer Science)
ds(Data Science)

Fin3026(財務計量 Financial Econometrics)
Option(期貨與選擇權 Options, Futures and other Derivatives )

EE4033(演算法 Algorithms)
CSIE5431(深度學習之應用 Applied Deep Learning)

IE5054(資料分析方法 Data Analytics)


24sp --> fin & cs & ds & math
fin --> Fin3026 & Fin7035 & Option
cs --> IM5030 & EE4033 & CSIE5431
ds --> IE5054 & IM5047
math --> COMME5051

Finance and Economics Course

商業賽局模型一 ( Fin 7035 )



  • 9/20 Static Games with Complete Information, I
  • 9/27 Static Games with Complete Information, II
  • 10/4 Multistage Games with Observable Actions and Repeated Games
  • 10/11 Static Games with Incomplete Information
  • 10/18 Adverse Selection and Screening Games, Part I
  • 10/25 Adverse Selection and Screening Games, Part II
  • 11/1 Signaling Games, Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium, and Some Refinements, I
  • 11/8 Signaling Games, Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium, and Some Refinements, II
  • 11/15 Midterm Exam
  • 11/22 Financial Signaling Models, I
  • 11/29 Financial Signaling Models, II
  • 12/6 Asset Trading Models, I
  • 12/13 Asset Trading Models, II
  • 12/20 Interactions between Financial and Product Markets
  • 12/27 Pricing Strategies
  • 1/3 Product Line Design, Branding and Return Policy
  • 1/10 Distribution Channels and E-commerce
  • 1/17 Oral Presentation


24 Mar. to 30 Mar.

  • Rubinstein Bargaining Game and War of Attrition
    • ngt2021nov10part3
    • ngt2021nov17part1
  • Infinitely Repeated Games
    • ngt2021nov17part2
    • ngt2021nov17part3
    • ngt2021nov17part4a
  • Finitely Repeated Games
    • ngt2021nov17part4b

31 Mar. to 6 Apr.

  • Static Games with Incomplete Information and BE
    • ngt2021nov24part1
  • Signalling Games, PBE, and Cho-Kreps Intuitive Criterion
    • ngt2021nov24part2
  • Applications to Finance: Jensen-Meckling Theory, Bank Run, Aghion-Bolton Model, Hart-Moore Model
    • ngt2021dec08part1
    • ngt2021dec08part2a
    • ngt2021dec08part2b

7 Apr. to 13 Apr.

  • Lecture 4: Spence Signaling Game
    • ngt2021dec08part3a
    • ngt2021dec08part3b
  • Lecture 4: Screening Games: Monopolistic Nonlinear Pricing and Competitive Screening
    • ngt2021dec15part1a
    • ngt2021dec15part1b
    • ngt2021dec15part2
  • Lecture 4: Reputation Games (The Chain-store Paradox)
    • ngt2021dec22part1

14 Apr. to 20 Apr.

  • Lecture 5: The Costly State Verification (CSV) Debt-Financing Model
    • ngt2021dec22part2
    • ngt2021dec22part3
  • Lecture 4: Sequential Equilibrium
    • ngt2021dec29part1
  • Lecture 4: Iterated Intuitive Equilibrium, Grossman-Perry Equilibrium, and Divine Equilibrium
    • ngt2021dec29part2

財務計量 ( Financial Econometrics, Fin 3026 )


  • Course Name: 財務計量 ( Financial Econometrics )
  • Lecturer: Chih-Ching Hung
  • Semester: 110-2
  • NTU Cool Link: 財務計量 (Fin 3026)


  • Week 1 2/14 Basic Regression Concepts
  • Week 2 2/21 Basic Regression Concepts
  • Week 3 2/28 Peace Memorial Day
  • Week 4 3/07 Time Series
  • Week 5 3/14 Time Series
  • Week 6 3/21 Time Series
  • Week 7 3/28 Time Series
  • Week 8 4/04 Spring Break
  • Week 9 4/11 Midterm Exam
  • Week 10 4/18 Exam Review and Potential Outcome Framework (1)
  • Week 11 4/25 Potential Outcome Framework (2)
  • Week 12 5/02 4~5 Student Presentations
  • Week 13 5/09 Matching, RCT, and Experiment (2 Presentations)
  • Week 14 5/16 Instrumental Variable (2 Presentations)
  • Week 15 5/23 Difference-in-Difference (2 Presentations)
  • Week 16 5/30 Regression Discontinuity (2 Presentations)


To be finished.

期貨與選擇權 ( Options, Futures and other Derivatives )


To be finished.

Computer Science Course

深度學習之應用 ( Applied Deep Learning)




To be finished.

資訊檢索與文字探勘導論 ( IM 5030 )





To be continue.

演算法 ( Algorithms, EE4033-01 )



Schedule (48 hrs in total this semester):

  1. Mathematical foundations + administrative matters (6 hrs)
  2. Sorting and order statistics (6 hrs)
  3. Data structures: binary search trees, RB trees, interval trees (2-hr lecture + pre-recorded videos)
  4. Dynamic programming and greedy algorithms (9 hrs)
  5. Amortized analysis (pre-recorded videos)
  6. Graph algorithms: disjoint set, graph representations, searching, minimum spanning tree, single-source and all-pair shortest paths, network flow, matching (14 hrs)
  7. NP-completeness & coping with NP-completeness (5 hrs)
  8. General-purpose algorithms: simulated annealing, and machine learning, as time permits.
  9. Others: Exams (6 hrs)


To be finished.

Data Science

My interest is also data science. Here are several Course I decided to learn.

資料分析方法 ( Data Analytics, IE5054 )



Week 1Feb. 19Review & Preview
Week 2Feb. 26Regression Analysis
Week 3Mar. 04Regression Analysis
Week 4Mar. 11Multivariate Statistical Inference
Week 5Mar. 18Dimension Reduction Techniques
Week 6Mar. 25Partial Least Squares Regression
Week 7Apr. 01Big Data Infrastructure × Team Building*
Week 8Apr. 08Mid-term Exam
Week 9Apr. 15Supervised Learning Algorithms
Week 10Apr. 22Supervised Learning Algorithms
Week 11Apr. 29Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
Week 12May 06Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
Week 13May 13Machine Learning Techniques
Week 14May 20Deep Neural Nets
Week 15May 27Deep Neural Nets
Week 16Jun. 03Project Presentation Day (Peer Review*)
Week 17Jun. 07Report Due


大數據與商業分析 (IM5047)


Week 01 (2024.02.21) 實體Introduction 課程及修課說明簡介 之後請至ntu cool
Week 02 (2024.02.28) 放假L1: Text mining作業1
Week 03 (2024.03.06) 線上L2: Web mining 
Week 04 (2024.03.13) 實體L3: Classification 
Week 05 (2024.03.20) 線上L4: Clustering 
Week 06 (2024.03.27) 實體期中專題說明 
Week 07 (2024.04.03) 實體實習/L5: Sequence Tagging 
Week 08 (2024.04.10) 線上L6: Language Processing 
Week 09 (2024.04.17) 線上Special Issue: Gen AI & applications 
Week 10 (2024.04.24) 實體期中報告 
Week 11 (2024.05.01) 實體E-Commerce Analytics (1) 
Week 12 (2024.05.08) 實體E-Commerce Analytics (2)期末專題說明
Week 13 (2024.05.15) 線上E-Commerce Analytics (3) 
Week 14 (2024.05.22) 實體期末Proposal/討論回饋 
Week 15 (2024.05.29) 線上Special Issue: Social Data Analytics 
Week 16 (2024.06.05) 實體期末報告 


To be finished.


機器學習中的數學原理 ( COMME5051 )



To be finished.


To be finished.

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